Lau korunk ada tertengok kat aku punyer video bar, itu adalah goup yang aku paling minat sekali.. THE JABBOWOCKEEZ, tu la name group diorang. ni lah aku citer cket psal group 2..

Ahli diorang asalnye ada 9 orang sumer.. iaitu Cristyle, Keibee, Kid Rainen, Phi Nguyen, Swaggerboy, Eddie styles, Saso fresh, Randy "DJ Wish One"and Emajoenation.. plik2 kn nma diorang, tpi nk buat camne dah minat. they so cold dude..

JabbaWockeeZ is a form of all-male dance troupe, established in 2003 by Joe Larot, Kevin Brewer and Phil Tayag. This group first appeare is on "America's got talent" before diorang menang MTV hip hop dance reality series, "America's best dance crew" on march 2008 lau xslap ak.. This group wearing masks and gloves during most of their performances. Kata diorang tjuan pkai topeng 2 sbb nk people judge n see their performance from whole of the group, not individual.. Bgus jgk diorg n ekk... aku ad ltak gmbr diorg tp x clear sgt ah..


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